What is an Effluent Treatment Plant?
An effluent treatment plant, also known as an ETP is a type of wastewater treatment plant used for the cleaning and disposal of domestic sewage. It is also known as secondary treatment. The system is included in the two basic phases to treat industrial wastewater and domestic sewage. The plants use physical, chemical, and biological processes to convert such substances into forms that can be assimilated by the ecosystem. The process involves the treatment of domestic sewage by using electricity, heat or bacteria that are consumed to ensure the removal of most impurities. The water dumped into an effluent treatment plant is usually contaminated with pathogens, nutrients, heavy metals or toxic chemicals making it a health risk to the outside environment if left untreated.
An ETP plant treats all the various types of pollutants in wastewater and generates extremely clean water. Water Treatment is a refreshing and vital part of our lives. Drinking water that contains organisms, minerals, particles or chemicals is dangerous. Therefore, it is essential to get treated input water in order to obtain safe drinking water. Mass production industries such as agro, chemical and industrial sectors are especially responsible for contamination in streams, rivers and lakes across the world.
How does Effluent Water Treatment Plant Work?
Effluent Water Treatment Plant – Conceptual Idea the process of removing contaminants from wastewater involves several treatment stages, namely primary sedimentation and filtration (for removal of suspended particles), activated sludge treatment (chemical and biological treatment for removal of dissolved matter) and sludge dewatering (removal of settled matter containing precious metals). After each treatment stage, flow is measured in terms of mass flow by weighing the filter cake or by measuring liquid flow. This information is fed into the plant computer system to control the process and ensure optimal performance.
ETP plants use a combination of mechanical, biological and chemical processes to produce effluent that meets both governmental and industrial standards for discharge from industrial sites. These are Environmental Technology (ET) processes that remove water-soluble and fat-soluble contaminants from industrial wastewater. Some of the contaminants disposed of in these systems may be complex organic compounds, such as hydrocarbons and their derivatives with various halogenated organic compounds, pesticides, pigments, soaps and other organic substances like urea, phenol, fatty acids and fats. Advanced process designs are applied to treat nitrates & phosphates if they are present in the wastewater; also nutrients like ammonium and nitrite can be removed during treatment.
Effluent Water Treatment Plant Manufacturers & Suppliers
Sharp Engineering is a firm engaged in the manufacture and provides superior quality Effluent Treatment Plants to its customers. We provide water treatment plants, having the capability to process a wide range of municipal and industrial effluents into clean water or recycle it back. Our systems are designed by utilizing advanced tools and techniques. The integrated base structure isolates the system into diverse functional units, by which we can easily get rid of the solid/liquid pollutants before entering it at the final stages of advanced treatment. We are producing high-quality wastewater treatment plants like primary sedimentation tanks, secondary settling tanks, and chemical dosing pumps and much more from concrete and stainless steel material.
Effluent Water Treatment Plant Manufacturers ETP plants Sewage Treatment Plant Waste water treatment plants Wastewater treatment plant in India What is an Effluent Treatment Plant
- by sharpengineeringworks
- on December 29, 2021